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Enrolment History Tab

The Enrolment History Tab within workflows gives a detailed history of every action taken within the workflow by the customer.

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

To learn more about workflows and how to build them, check out the "Workflow Training" section under the "Advanced Training" help centre menu!

Action Logs

The Enrolment History Tab within workflows gives a detailed history of every action taken within the workflow by the customer. Utilise the Enrolment history tab to ensure your workflow is working properly and identify any issues that may have happened during the workflow process.

History Tab

History Tab

Workflow Title

The title of the workflow is shown in the top middle of the page. You can rename the title by clicking on it and typing in the field.

Edit workflow title

Edit workflow title


When looking at the history of actions in your workflow, you can refresh the data anytime by clicking on the blue refresh icon at the top right of the action logs.

Refresh action log

Refresh action log


Filter By Date

Easily filter action logs by the date they were created by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the time frame you want to view.

Select the date range to filter from

Select the date range to filter from

Filter By Status

You can also view the status of an action log by clicking on the dropdown and selecting a status. Utilise the search bar here to save some time.

Select the specific status to search

Select the specific status to search

Select A Contact

If you’re looking through a long list of action items and want to search for a specific customer, you can type their name in the Select a Contact box to the right.

Search using contacts

Search using contacts

Action Log Table

The Action Logs table in the platform provides a comprehensive list of all the associated data collected regarding actions made on contacts. This includes data such as:

  1. The contacts added.

  2. The date the action was enrolled.

  3. The type of actions that were made on the contacts.

  4. The status of the contacts.

  5. Next Executed on; The date and time the next action will be executed on the contacts.

  6. Execution log; the list of actions executed on a particular contact.

Action log table

Action log table

Save and Update

Once you are all done editing any action, save it! Once you save the action, the date and time will be updated.

Save to update your edit

Save to update your edit

Draft vs. Publish

Action logs can either be in draft or publish mode. You can toggle this button to activate/deactivate it.

Toggle between publish and draft mode

Toggle between publish and draft mode

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