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Conversations Timeline

Conversations Timeline

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

The Conversations timeline, shown on the left in the image, is where you will find a great deal of information about the discussions you have had with the contact.
Here you will find all your Texts, Emails, Phone recordings, and so on listed in order from when their contact record was created to the present.

Contact Name Display

At the top of the Timeline, area is the Contact Name. Check this to make sure you are actually on the contact you think you are on.

Inbound Messages

As you look down the page through the timeline, you will notice some messages on the left and some on the right.
The messages on the left, shown in the image to the left, are Inbound messages.

Outbound Messages

You can find all your outbound messages on the right side of the timeline of the conversation.

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