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Where To Find Form Submissions

Where To Find Form Submissions

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

Form Submission Data

This section is where your CRM collects and organizes all form submission data. You can analyse, download and delete form submission data from this section.

NOTE: Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the components.

Date Range

Choose the date range you want to use when analyzing your form submissions.

Refresh Submission Data

You can refresh the submission data at any time by pressing this button.

Select Form

Choose from any of your forms in order to analyze the submissions made on that form.

Search Bar

After you've selected a certain form, search for specific submissions by using the search bar here.

Submission Data

Here you will see all of the data submitted by the individual who filled out the form.

Date Submitted

You can see the date of each submission in the top right corner here.

Form Submission List

Here is a list of all submissions for any particular form.

Total Form Submissions

Here you can see the total amount of form submissions for any particular form selected.

List Results Per Page

You can change the total amount of submissions shown per page by switching the total number here.

Individual Form Submission

Each form submission will be listed with some basic information front and center including name, email, and the date submitted.

If you want to select an individual form submission or multiple submissions, you can click the checkboxes on the left side of each submission.

Download Individual Submission

To download an individual form submission in PDF format, click the icon.

Delete Selected Submissions

You can choose to delete selected form submissions. If you delete the form submissions, you cannot get that data back. It will be gone forever.

Download Selected Submissions

You are able to download all form submission data in the form of a .pdf file if you want to send this data to a client or keep it in your computer records.

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