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In the column editing step of your design, you have total control over how many columns to include in a Row.

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

In the column editing step of your design, you have total control over how many columns to include in a Row. Knowing that Rows and Columns are interconnected will help you choose their number more consciously. To achieve the desired result, you may experiment with how many columns can fit harmoniously into each Row.

Keep in mind it is best to put only one type at a time as more Rows give more chances for creating noteworthy columns. Creating your distinct design is made easier since a single Column grants the power to add multiple Elements necessary to make it perfect! Sections are found in the funnels and website builder.

Additional General Settings

There are more customisation options under Additional General Settings for your column layout.

Column Layout

  • Content Alignment

You can choose to align your content vertically or horizontally.

  • Content Spacing

Choose the amount of spacing you want for your content.

  • Content Position

You can also position the content at the start, centre, or end of a box

  • Use Same Layout For Mobile

Toggle this on if you want the same layout for mobile devices.

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