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The Paragraph can be used to type in sentences or the body of a page.

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

The Paragraph can be used to type in sentences or the body of a page.

General Settings

Integrating paragraphs into your webpage is a breeze. All you need to do is select the paragraph element and drag it to the desired location within your editor's workspace. Once placed, tailor the paragraph's appearance and content to match your style preferences and seamlessly blend with the rest of your site's design.

Element Name/Title

The editing toolbar for the selected element is located on the left side of the editor. You can rename the default name or title displayed at the top of the screen for easier navigation as you create your funnel page.

Background Colour

To change the background colour of your paragraph, select the content you want to adjust and choose the desired colour. If you cannot find the colour you prefer, add custom colours by entering the colour code and clicking the "add colour" button.


You can decide the extent to which you want your text/content to fade in each element box. The opacity varies from None, Light, Half, to Heavy fade.

Text Shadow

If you want your text/content to have a shadow, simply select how thick or light you want the shadow to be.

Letter Spacing

You can decide how far apart you want your letters to be by clicking on this option.

Text Align

You can move your text in different positions as you deem fit, you can position it to the Left, Centre, Right, or as Justified.

Mobile and Desktop Font Size

You can modify font size for mobile and desktop devices by using size bars for each individual text or content element. Toggle between mobile and desktop views in the top left corner of your funnel builder to see how your edits will appear on each platform.

Typography Type

You can select the paragraph or content font previously chosen from the settings or choose a new typography font from the drop-down menu.


You can add an icon to your page by simply selecting from the available icon. If you have the desired icon in mind, you can type it into the search bar to narrow down the options.

Colour Options

  • Colour When a text isn't in bold form, you can only adjust its colours here

  • Bold Text Colour If a text is in bold form, you can only adjust its colours here.

  • Italic Text Colour You can only edit an italic text colour here

  • Underline Text Colour You can only edit an underlined text colour here

  • Link Text Colour If you have a link added to this page, you can only edit the link colour here

  • Icon Colour If you have an icon added to this page, you can only edit the icon colour here. Only the icon colour will change regardless of the position in which it is placed.

Spacing Option:

There are different spacing options available for adjusting your content. Depending on the Edit option you are working on, the settings will only be applicable to that option. For example, if you are editing a particular Row (the BLUE box), only every content in that Row will follow the command of what settings you make.

  • Padding Left, Right, Top, and Bottom

This Four (4) different toggle bar moves the content to either the left, right, top, or bottom depending on the toggle bar you click on.

  • Margin Top and Bottom

You can adjust the top or bottom margin of your content by toggling its bars.

Advanced Settings

Border Options:

Border You can choose the type of border you want. Once you select any of the border types, the settings for the border pop up;

Style There are three (3) Different styles for your border, It could be a solid, Dashed, or Dotted border.

Width When you increase the border width, it increases the thickness of the border.

Colour To change the colour of the border, click on this colour icon.

Radius Adjusting the radius of your border curves the edges of the border, the higher the number you select, the curvier it becomes.

Radius Edge You can decide the corner of the border you want to curve: either all edges, top only or bottom edge only.

Line Height

You increase the height of the Element box by adjusting the size bar.

Text Transform

In the Text Transform, you can decide to change the text to Uppercase, Lowercase, or simply capitalise each word.


You can make this page visible on both desktop and mobile, and you can also select just one of the two by simply clicking on the one you want to activate.

Custom Class

To add a Custom Class, simply fill in the Custom Class field with your desired class name.

CSS Selector

Click on the copy icon located on the right side of the reference number you wish to copy to copy the CSS Selector

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