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Membership Products

In the "Membership Product" section, you can edit your details and your structure.

Hannah Dove avatar
Written by Hannah Dove
Updated over a week ago


In the "Membership Product" section, you can edit your details and your structure.

Filter by Search

You can search for the name of a product If you want to access it quickly amongst other products.

Sort Filter

Click on the "Sort" drop-down menu to sort the product accordingly.

Creating Product

To build a product, by clicking on the "Create Product" button, you can build a course module, a membership product, and you can also customise your own content.

Product Templates

You can add different modules and categories here. You can also add more posts and sub-categories as well, and you can edit the contents, the thumbnails, publish draft locked, or drip:

  • Sprint Course

  • Marathon Course

  • Membership

  • Build Your Own

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