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Funnel Builder Overview & Settings

The Editor section of a Funnel or Website enables you to create and modify your pages.

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago


The Editor section of a Funnel or Website enables you to create and modify your pages. There are four options to choose from: Section, Row, Column, and Element. Each option is represented by its own colour: Green for Sections, Blue for Rows, Lilac for Columns, and Orange for Elements.

In the upper left corner of the Overview page, look for the icons representing both a Phone and a Desktop. Toggling between them will allow your Funnel/Website to be accessible on both Mobile devices and Desktops. To tweak or undo your changes quickly click on the Undo arrow, or click on the Redo one to apply adjustments. For a preliminary view of any Custom HTML/JS you've included, hit the icon next to the Redo arrow.

The upper right corner of the page has several icons to help you manage your funnel. One is the Version button which enables you to review past changes made. Beside it is the Preview button that allows you to view how your funnel looks online. Don't forget to save changes by clicking on the Save button. Lastly, there's the Funnel Page Filter icon which allows you to navigate between the different funnel pages that you've created.


To access page settings, click on the Settings dropdown menu located in the upper right corner of the page. Here, you can modify the pages title, description, author, keywords, social image, custom meta tag, and SEO preview.

SEO Meta Data

Warning: Change the Default SEO Page Title and description.

  • Title

Input the title of the SEO page in the Title field as this is needed to save your work.

  • Description

A brief description of the SEO page is also mandatory in order to save changes.

  • Keywords

Common keywords can be added to the Keywords field to make your page appear in relevant search results.

  • Author

The author's name should also be entered in the appropriate field.

  • Social Image

You can add a desired image or logo to represent your page when it appears.

  • Custom Meta Tag

Additional customisation can be made to Meta tags by selecting the +All button and inputting the desired tag name and content.

  • SEO Preview

If you want to preview your SEO page simply scroll down below the "SEO Preview" button. It gives you a sneak peek of what your website looks like.

Tracking Code

To add tracking codes to your page, click on the Tracking Code option within settings. A popup will appear for you to import your Header or Footer code.

Custom CSS

You can also add Custom CSS via the settings button. A popup will appear here as well for you to input your custom CSS code.


To change the appearance of your page, select the backgrounds option. This will allow you to modify the background colour by choosing from a selection of colours. If the desired colour is not available from the displayed options, you can add your custom colour by selecting the option and typing in your custom colour code.


Access the Typography option in settings to modify the Text and Link colour from the default Black or Blue to a colour of your choice. However, keep in mind that you can only change the entire text to a single colour.

Additionally, you can adjust the font size of your Headlines and Content.


By selecting the popup button, you have the option to incorporate a popup into your funnel or website, providing an additional interactive element for your visitors. To make further adjustments to the popup, simply click on the Open Popup Settings button, which allows you to customise its appearance and functionality according to your preferences and goals.

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