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How to Create a Simple Form

How to Create a Simple Form

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

From lead funnels to signup pages and even calendar scheduling, the form builder section of your CRM gives you immense control. Create fully customised forms; however, you want to ensure they precisely reflect your brand's identity! Visualise your desired forms with unique styling and powerful features surrounded by a sea of possibilities at your fingertips.

Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the components.

Different Tabs

You have three different tabs to navigate between when creating and editing forms:

  • ​Form Element Gives you the ability to add new fields and components to customize each unique form. ​

  • ​Styles Let you modify the appearance of your form exactly how you envision it – making your forms as distinctive as ever! ​

  • ​Options - Assists in managing component details like names and tracking data for each tailored form. ​

Creating and editing forms has never been easier with the three different tabs offered.

Integrate Form

If you want to embed a form onto your webpage, all you have to do is go to the "Integrate form" tab.

External Embed Layout Options for forms

After clicking on it, a popup will appear with the Embed Layout Type. It provides 4 forms of design layout for users to choose from:

  1. Sticky Sidebar

  2. Polite slide-in

  3. Popup

  4. Inline

1. Sticky Sidebar

A Sticky sidebar will appear on the side of the screen. Users can choose for the sidebar to appear either on the right or left side of the screen. The sidebar can also be minimised, and a user prefers to choose whether they would like it to be minimised. To set the preference to minimise or not, a user can use the checkbox in the image below the sticky sidebar (see the image below). A user can also give a specific title for the sidebar to show when the sidebar is minimised.

2. Polite Slide-In

A polite slide-in appears at the bottom of the screen. A user can select either the right or left side of the screen for the form to appear. Slide-in forms stay for a limited time on the website. Once the user is done, it disappears and gives a user a free space to scroll through the website. Just like the sticky sidebar type of form, it is possible to allow the form to minimise it or not.

3. Popup

Pop-up forms are used to collect visitor's information on the website. This type of form can be closed when they appear on the screen, but it can not be minimised.

4. Inline

In an inline form, all elements are inline and left-aligned, and the labels are alongside. This type of form appears along with the content of the page. Sticky sidebar and slide-in forms can either be closed or minimised, but Inline forms cannot be closed or minimised.

Trigger Type

With trigger types, User has the power to control when and how the form is shown on an external page. There are three different ways a user can set the trigger.

Show on Scrolling - The form will be shown based on how much a user has scrolled on the website page.

Show after _ seconds - The form will appear when the visitor has spent the set amount of time. You can set the seconds in the box as per your objective.

Always show - This will allow the form to appear as soon as the visitor is landed on the website.

Activation Options

Here you can set how the form would be activated.

Activate on _ visit - If user visits are your criteria for the form to appear, then you can set it for the form to appear when a visitor has come to your page for the second time or the third time. This way, the form has to be shown only starting from the Xth visit (depending on the number you have set)

Always Activated - As the name suggests, the form will stay activated no matter if a visitor has come on the page for the first time or he is a repeat visitor

Deactivation Options

Here you can set up the deactivation for a form.

Deactivate after showing _ times - This form has to be disabled after showing for x number of times. We will have to use a cookie to track the form and the visits (Dev to confirm).

Deactivate once lead is collected - This form has to be disabled only after and once a lead is captured.

Never deactivate - This form is never deactivated once activated.

Copy Embed Code

You can copy the embed code if you would like to put your form on an external page by clicking the Copy embed code button.

Make sure to talk to your web developer if you are unsure how to install the code on an external page.

Copy Form Link

If you would like to quickly send the form as a link to a customer, click on the copy link form.

Open Form Link

You can also click on the Open Form link button to open the form in a new browser window.

Save Form

Make sure you save all of your form progress! Don't worry, when you save you will remain in the form builder. It's just a good habit to save the form as you go.

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