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Create New Blog Post
Written by Sarah Bassett
Updated over a week ago

Creating new blog posts is easy! Start by navigating to the Sites section of your CRM, and clicking on Blogs at the top of the page. Next, click on the + New Post button to add new blog posts. Once you click on it, you will get a pop-up form to fill out that comprises;

  1. Blog Post Title Type in the title for your blog post here.

  2. Blog Post image. You can upload your blog image here by clicking on the Change button, which directs you to the storage page where you can upload the image you want to use. Once you've uploaded the image, double-click on the image, which will automatically add the image. To change/replace the image, click on the Change button, and if you want to delete the image uploaded, just click on Remove. The recommended size is 600px * 400px, and the Supported image size is 10MB.

  3. Alt Text (Cover image) Add your Alt Text for your cover image here.

  4. Post Description Give a brief description of the post for readers to preview. The description length should be between 100 - 250 characters.

Adding Content To Your Blog Post

Once you move to the next page, you will see this sample blog post as a reference. You can edit it to your preference or clear it all and start from scratch.

  • You can set the font styles with bold, italics, underline, strikethrough text, fonts, styles, and size.

  • You can choose the spacing format; Left, center, right, justified, indent, or outdent.

  • You can add an indent, number list, bulleted list, or to-do list.

  • You can add colour and highlight to text and text background.

  • You can insert hyperlinks, add an image(s) or video(s) from the Media Library and YouTube.

  • You can also add quotes for specific content, emoji, and divider.

  • You can clear a specific format or format everything.

You can see the word count in the upper right corner of your page.

Action Menu

1. Duplicate Post

If you want to duplicate this article, simply click on this button.

2.Preview Post

You can preview your post here. Don't forget to save your article before previewing.

3. See Version History

If you want to see your previous edit on the article you are working on, simply click here. It will only show you the last saved version, so always remember to save your work.

4. Delete Blog Post

You can clear the entire article by clicking on the Delete button, which permanently deletes it.

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