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Email Campaign

In this article we'll show you how to build a campaign and use templates to send out emails based on your requirements

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

A campaign is the email message you design and send to your specific contacts or a bunch of smart lists. Here you can set up your email marketing campaign and manage the existing campaigns.

Email campaign overview

Email campaign overview

Campaign Status

With this option, you can view specific campaign/campaigns based on their status. As shown in the image below, you can select Draft and the system will show the campaigns that are in draft mode. Similarly, you can also view campaigns that are in Scheduled mode or the campaigns that are already sent. This icon will be the best way to view only desired results as and when needed.

All - When selected, this will show all of the campaigns you have created in your system.

Draft - This will show the campaigns that are in draft mode.

Archived - This will show the campaigns that are Archived.

Filter the campaign status

Filter the campaign status

Searching Campaign Name

This will allow you to search the campaigns you have created. As shown in the image below, Just enter the name of the campaign for the system to show the specific campaign as a result.

Search campaign names

Search campaign names

Create Folder

If you would like all of the relevant campaigns stored in the same location then you can use this icon to create a new folder and keep all of the campaigns in one place.

Created folder

Created folder

Campaign List

This gives you important information about each campaign in the list. We will cover all of them one by one.

  • Name - This shows the name of your campaign or the folders you have created.

  • Schedule Date - This will show the date the campaign was created/scheduled.

  • Execution Date - This refers to the date when the campaign is supposed to be executed.

  • Status - This shows if the individual campaign is sent or in a draft mode or scheduled.

Email campaign list

Email campaign list

Edit Email Content

This icon will allow you to edit the email content you have created inside of an individual campaign.

Click to edit Email campaign

Click to edit Email campaign

Preview Campaign

To preview an individual campaign, you can use this tab.

Click to preview campaign

Click to preview campaign

Campaign Action Menu

This tab will allow you to perform several actions with respect to your campaign.

Move to folder - This lets you quickly move the campaign to a specific folder.

Statistics - This shows the statistics for each campaign.

Clone - Click here to make a copy of the campaign.

Archive Campaign - You can use this tab to archive a campaign.

Delete - This lets you delete the campaign from your CRM. Once deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Campaign menu action

Campaign menu action

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