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Email builder - Hidden or broken elementsHow to view hidden or broken elements
Building emailsIn this article, we'll see how to build emails in your platform's Drag & Drop Email Builder
Video ElementAdding videos to your emails is a great way to create a multimedia experience to your email events and campaigns
Appearance TabThe appearance tab within the email builder provides access to global level settings that apply to all your emails.
Email LayoutsThe first step to adding any element is to add a layout first.
RSS Header & RSS Items ElementsWithin the Email Builder, the RSS Elements features facilitates the automatic sending of emails.
Shopping Cart ElementFor e-commerce owners looking to reach their customers quickly and effectively, Shopping Cart is here to save the day.
Code ElementFor those who possess technical expertise and wish to personalise their email templates, the Code Element is an excellent choice.
Footer ElementAre you looking for an easy way to include a pre-built footer on your page? With footer element, it's a piece of cake.
Social ElementWhen it comes to email marketing, you may be unaware of the small but powerful social media element.
Divider ElementIf you're looking to properly separate text, images and buttons, then dividers can be great and infinitely useful tools!
Button ElementStatistics have proven that including a Call-To-Action (CTA) button in your emails is an effective way to increase your conversion rate.
Image ElementThe Image element allows you to add images to your email, making it more visually appealing.
Text ElementBy utilising the Text Element feature, you have the ability to incorporate a text heading and description into your email.
Email "Edit" SectionIf you find editing email content overwhelming, we'll show you how to craft a promotional email.