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Creating Email Campaigns

Creating Email Campaigns

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over a year ago

Creating New Campaign

If you're creating campaigns for the first time, you will have both of these options for creating a new campaign.

Click to create campaign

Click to create campaign

Choosing Campaign Templates

  1. Back - You can use this to return to the email campaigns menu.

  2. Campaign Name - Here you can name your campaign.

  3. Choosing Template - You can select the template to work with from the existing campaigns from the list.

  4. Searching Email Template - With this tab, you can search for the existing email templates you have created in your system.

  5. Title - This shows the title given to each campaign in the list.

  6. Last Updated - This lets you know the date and time the individual campaign was last updated and who made the updates.

Campaign template overview

Campaign template overview

Designing New Campaign From Scratch

If you're not willing to use any of the existing templates or if this is the first time you are building the campaign, then make use of the "Blank" option (see the image below) to create the campaign from scratch.


To edit any of the templates or the blank page, click on the "Checkmark" button which directs you to select your Editing Experience:

  • Choose to build using the visual drag-and-drop design editor or powerful code editor.

2. Preview

If you want to preview any template, click on the "Preview" button.

Select Blank to create from the scratch

Select Blank to create from the scratch

Campaign Builder

This is where you will design your content and place the necessary campaign elements. In Email Campaign Builder, you can duplicate, delete, and rearrange different types of element blocks quickly.

campaign editor page

campaign editor page

Campaign Editor Menu

Here are some additional options for you before you actually send your campaign.

  • Test Email - Before sending an email campaign, use this as a test to see what your campaign will look like.

  • Preview Template - This lets you preview the template.

  • See Version History - This lets you view the changes you have made to your campaign.

Campaign editor menu

campaign editor menu

Saving the changes

Use this to save the changes you have made in the campaign. This will ensure that you don't lose any of the work you have done.

Click to save campaign

Click to save campaign

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