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How frequently should you post on social media?

Engage as many customers as possible by posting not too little and not too much. Here's a platform by platform guide.

Hannah Dove avatar
Written by Hannah Dove
Updated over a week ago

Great social media is about creating a conversation with people, rather than broadcasting at them. So what you post is crucial, but knowing how often to post is key to drive the conversation with your customers, or engage them by ensuring it actually gets seen. And the optimum amounts to post are very different for each platform.

Here we tell you how many times you should aim to be posting on the main social media sites Maybe* supports: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.


If you have under 10,000 followers then post once a day, if you have more than this post twice a day. A good aim for all businesses is to post at least once a day, with a maximum of twice.


Most expert opinions agree that 3-5 times a day is the optimum amount, so this should be your aim. X is all about conversation and connecting, so the more you put in, the more benefit you are likely to see. Of course if you are replying to customers’ posts, you can post as many of these as necessary.


Here’s the thing, the more often you post on Instagram, the more likes and followers you gain. Some major brands post up to ten times per day to Instagram, but one or two great posts is better than ten mediocre ones. Consistency in your look and feel and quality of the images is much more important than pumping out posts that may cause followers to unfollow you. So do as many as you can, but go for quality over quantity. 1-3 quality posts per week on your Instagram feed or grid (as it's more commonly known) is better than daily posts that dilute the quality. Use Stories and Reels to bring your business to life through your feed.


LinkedIn is all about thought leadership and sharing interesting content, so - as with Instagram - quality over quantity is the golden rule. Posting 2-5 times a week should be the aim, sharing thought-provoking content relevant to your business.


TikTok is all about content, content, content, and the optimum amount to post is 1-4 times a day. So you are definitely looking at daily here. The more regularly you post, the more likely you will get around the tricky algorithm and get your content seen by a wider audience.

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