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How to add your Page to your Business Manager

You've set up your Facebook page and now want to add it to your Facebook Business Manager, so you can do ace stuff like run ads. Here's how.

Danni Harris avatar
Written by Danni Harris
Updated over 7 months ago

Here we will walk you through how to add a Facebook page to your Facebook Business Manager.

Accessing your Business Manager

To access your business manager, go to It might help to have your personal Facebook page already logged in in another tab so it will know it is you logging in and find your Pages.

If you're not sure about what a Business Manager is, then go to our other video where we talk through how to set up your Business Manager or find one that may already exist for your business.

If you're now into your Business Manager, you just want to go to the ‘burger’ icon - three horizontal lines - top left, and find Business Settings. Business Settings may sit already in your shortcuts if you've been into it recently or otherwise you'll find it down the left hand side.

Adding business pages to your Business Manager

Once in Business Settings, find Pages. Here you'll see a blue Add where you'll be able to add in a page. Click it and you will see a menu. From here you can find and add a page that already exists that's just isn't yet in your Business Manager, or request access to a page as a third party, or create a new page for a business. Click the option that you are wanting to take from the drop down menu.

To add a page that already exists that you already have access to, click on that option and you just type in the name of the business that you want to add, find it then click Add page. This will bring up the details of both the page and the connected Instagram page. Click Add all and you will be asked to log in using the Instagram account. Follow your nose with the steps, as it’ll take you through. As long as you have all of your logins for your pages, it'll be straightforward and the page will drop into your list under Pages when you are done.

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